WP4 – Replicability, Planning Decisions, Market Penetration, and Policy Dimension

WP4 is devoted to fast-tracking the project’s potential innovations to allow for replicability, swift market penetration of the technologies and informing policy on biogas production and management.  As such, activities within this work package include performing a replicability analysis of BIOMETHAVERSE technology pathways for other potential investors, supporting future decision planning of other possible investors and project developers with a specific Biomethane Planning Decisions Guide and drafting scenarios and visions for market penetration of the technologies developed in the project.
In collaboration with innovative biomethane production projects funded under the same topic HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16, a joint deliverable on policy recommendations will be developed (and updated) throughout the projects’ duration. In addition, towards the end of the project, ISINNOVA will deliver a White Paper for decision makers at national and European level, in view to comply with the European Green Deal and climate and energy targets for 2030 and 2050.


Deliverable (Number)

Deliverable name

Short name of lead participant Delivery date Dissemination Level Current Status
D4.1 Scenarios and Vision for Market Penetration EBA June 2024 PUB Pending EC approval
D4.2 Biomethane Planning Decisions Guide EBA October 2025 PUB
D4.3 White Paper for Policy Makers EBA June 2026PUB PUB
D4.4 Report on Replicability of Demonstrators ISINNOVA November 2026 PUB
D4.5 Joint policy recommendations. Cluster of Horizon Europe-funded projects on innovative biomethane production EBA September 2023 PUB Approved