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CH4 is the trade fair event dedicated to the technologies and systems for gas transportation, distribution, and utilization. Starting this year, the BioCH4 project devoted to biogas will be launched.

BIOMETHAVERSE’s project coordinator, Stefano Proietti, will share the project’s oblectives and innovative pathways for biomethane production during the Round Table “BIOMETHANE – A DISCUSSION IN THE RESEARCH WORLD”

October 12, 2023 HALL 26 | YELLOW ROOM | 2:15 PM-3:15 PM

The field of anaerobic digestion, in Italy and around the world, is constantly evolving. This is a moment for in-depth discussion, with important Research Organizations, on some innovations that could have positive impacts both on the efficiency of the production process and on the environment.

See the event’s agenda (in Italian)

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