WP3 – Assessment and Optimisation of Innovative Biomethane Pathways

WP3’s goal is twofold: on one hand this work package sets out to perform a holistic, comprehensive sustainability assessment of the demonstrators as built within the project, and of their potential optimised and upscaled configurations and, on the other hand, to contribute to the optimisation of the BIOMETHAVERSE innovations design by providing eco-design guidelines and assessing the performances of alternative configurations to identify the most sustainable ones.

A state-of-the-art sustainability assessment methodology, covering the economic, social, and environmental pillars of sustainability, will be developed to avoid potential trade-off among sustainability aspects. The methodology developed will be applied to the BIOMETHAVERSE innovations investigated in WP2 to identify the most promising configurations with an eco-design approach. The results of the sustainability assessment will allow to draw conclusions and recommendations on the future application of the demonstrators’ concepts (WP4).


Deliverable (Number)

Deliverable name

Short name of lead participant Delivery date Current Status
D3.1 Methodological Framework on Data Collection and Assessment ENEA May 2023 Approved
D3.2 Preliminary Demos Flowsheeting ENEA January 2025
D3.3 Preliminary Sustainability Assessment and Ecodesign Modelling ENEA June 2025
D3.4 Final Flowsheeting Optimised Configurations of Demos ENEA September 2025
D3.5 Report on GHG Emissions Measurements of Demos DBFZ November 2025
D3.6 Techno-economic Upscaling and Optimisation of Demos ENEA March 2026
D3.7 Sustainability Assessment of Upscaled and Optimised Demos ENEA May 2026
D3.8 Final Report on Optimisation and Sustainability Assessment ENEA September 2026