WP1 – Coordination & management

Work package 1 covers the managerial aspects of the project and its internal and external front-office duties. ISINNOVA, the work package leader, will be in close contact with the European Commission, as well as with other initiatives and stakeholders interested in the project. This management work package pertains to the administrative and financial management of the project, including production of activity and financial reports, so as to ensure effective delivery of project outputs within time, cost and resource constraints, with high quality standards. All project outputs will undergo a stringent quality review; ISINNOVA will plan and coordinate these assessments. For its duration to project’s progress will be continually assessed against planned timescale and objectives.
The Technical Supervisor (European Biogas Association), is responsible for guaranteeing the soundness of the scientific contents of the project and ensuring the technical coordination of BIOMETHAVERSE.


Deliverable (Number)

Deliverable name

Short name of lead participant  Delivery date Dissemination Level Current Status
D1.1 Project Management Plan ISINNOVA December 2022 SEN Approved
D1.2 Data Management Plan ENEA February 2023 PUB Approved
D1.3 Update of Data Management Plan ENEA November 2025 PUB